Today the New Year's Nut was picked (in more ways than one.) For those of you not lucky enough to be born "munky" allow me to explain. Each year, on the day after New Year's day, a new New Year's Nut sprouts on the family oak tree.
If the young chipmunks earn good grades, the nut grows a little more (no help from me.) If the young chipmunks run really fast in all the Chipmunk Girls On The Run race, the nut grows even more. (still no help from me.) But, if the young chipmunks are naughty, the nut shrinks.
Each year, all the Chipmunk families pick their New Year's Nut, and there is a big contest to see who has the biggest nut.
Guess whose family has the biggest nut again this year? I was hiding in the bathroom (don't ask why, again) and don't know either.